
Showing posts from May, 2021

What is Block Cave Mining Used For?

 If you are new to the Internet and have been reading up on topics about how to make money online then you have probably come across many articles that deal with what is block cave mining and how it can be very lucrative. Although it may not sound like something that is very unique, it is in fact a very profitable skill that has been used for centuries. What is block cave mining used for you may ask? This is used for several different things but the most important thing that it is used for is extracting natural resources from underground cavities that are found in mountains. If you think about the amount of natural resources that we use each year then you will see why this industry is so lucrative. If all of the natural resources were dug up and used this would cause an enormous amount of economic damage to the world economy. What is being done is companies are taking large chunks of abandoned mines and building new ones right next to them so that they can continue to produce natural