What Does Block Caving Mean?

 If you're planning on climbing into a big cave, there's a good chance that you'll need some sort of protection from the interior. Usually, cave divers (or bigfoot hunters) make use of special cave equipment to protect their bodies from the ravages of exposure to the air, as well as from the hazards of falling rocks. A lot of this protection comes in the form of gear, and there's no better gear to buy than the cave suit. Whether you're a serious bigfoot hunter or you just want to be safe when exploring caves, there are a few things you should look for when you buy your cave protection equipment.

First, any piece of protection for the cave should be padded to avoid injury from impact. Block caving is a big danger to the feet, as we've all seen people get broken ankles because they tripped over some loose gravel. Also, the more specialized the protection, the better, as it should fit snugly against the cave. It's common in medium and large sized caverns to find blocks that can't be directly entered without specialized scaffolds, and sometimes this kind of scaffolding can be reinforced with sturdy steel beams or concrete walls.

Second, it's important that the protection has padding or cushioning around the entire circumference of the torso, including the legs. This will make sure that, should you become suddenly engulfed in the darkness while exploring your cave, you don't slide around and get stuck. It also protects the parts of your body that aren't protected in other ways, such as your arms, head, and torso. You should also try to have a hard hat and goggles attached to your cave-boots when you're going out so that if you do slip and fall, you won't hit anything and hurt yourself.

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